While we provide solution for safe food or water or health hand & hygiene, we also make sure that we save the valuable resources

hand hygiene station

Access to sterilized equipment is required to prevent the transmission of diseases from instruments during surgical procedure. Global healthcare needs access to safe surgical sterilization, lack of which drives up the infection rates. Inadequate sterilization may also contribute to the spread of HIV and other diseases that spread via contact through bodily fluids.
The mismanagement at post-harvest leads to 45% loss in fruits, vegetables and tubers (FVT) raising social, economical and environmental concerns. India annually produces fruits and vegetables of the value of about ₹7000 crores and wastage may be
of the order of ₹2100 crores. This is a huge loss of valuable food even when the minimum food requirement of the population is not met.

hover over the logos to view our solutions to the problems

Hygiene Management in the Food Industry
Widely Focuses on Production, Preservation, Processing and Distribution

The Secret to Success in Food & Hospitality Industry Lies in Good HYGIENE MANAGEMENT

Hygiene Management is of the utmost significance in the food industry. It required that high standards of hygiene and sanitation be maintained throughout the entire food production, storage, and distribution processes. This is essential for preventing contamination by pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses, which can cause foodborne illnesses and pose a serious threat to public health. To guarantee the safety and quality of the food that is produced and ingested, it is essential to adhere to stringent hygiene practices and implement appropriate food safety measures. We provide you with innovative and reliable solutions that can assist your food manufacturing facility in achieving 360-degree hygiene.
Food manufacturing involves the large-scale transformation of raw materials into finished food products, while industrial kitchens are commercial kitchens used to prepare food in large quantities, commonly found in restaurants, hotels, hospitals, and schools. In both food manufacturing and industrial kitchen settings, maintaining high levels of hygiene management is crucial to ensure the safety and quality of the food produced and served. By adhering to strict food safety regulations and implementing effective hygiene practices, including proper cleaning and sanitation of equipment and facilities, these industries can prevent the growth and spread of harmful pathogens and contaminants that can cause foodborne illnesses.
Food Safety a Paramount Importance to Humanity
Food Safety & Hygiene Solution

(Smart hand hygiene station for kitchen)

GOclean™ SD
(Surface Disinfectant)

GOclean™ FC
(Floor Cleaner)

GOclean™ CRD
(Carbon Remover and Disinfectant)

GOclean™ SANI
(Utensils Disinfectant)

GOclean™ GRD
(Grease Remover and Disinfectant)

GOclean™ MW
(Mops and Wipes)

GOclean™ FWS
(Footwear Sanitizer)

GOclean™ ACFT
(Advanced Chlorine dioxide gas-based fumigation technology)

GOsmart™ TG
(IoT-enabled temperature monitoring handheld device)

GOsmart™ TH
(IoT-enabled temperature and humidity monitoring device)

(Chlorine dioxide-based disinfection for fresh produce)
