While we provide solution for safe food or water or health hand & hygiene, we also make sure that we save the valuable resources

hand hygiene station

Access to sterilized equipment is required to prevent the transmission of diseases from instruments during surgical procedure. Global healthcare needs access to safe surgical sterilization, lack of which drives up the infection rates. Inadequate sterilization may also contribute to the spread of HIV and other diseases that spread via contact through bodily fluids.
The mismanagement at post-harvest leads to 45% loss in fruits, vegetables and tubers (FVT) raising social, economical and environmental concerns. India annually produces fruits and vegetables of the value of about ₹7000 crores and wastage may be
of the order of ₹2100 crores. This is a huge loss of valuable food even when the minimum food requirement of the population is not met.

hover over the logos to view our solutions to the problems

It is essential to implement regular cleaning and disinfection protocols to maintain a clean and safe environment and prevent the spread of harmful microorganisms. Our range of cleaning and disinfection products is designed to help maintain a clean and safe food production environment, thereby preventing foodborne illnesses.

The ultimate answer to stubborn scale buildup.
This food-grade, non-toxic, and non-corrosive formula guarantees a safe and eco-friendly descaling experience.
GOclean™ DS
Stabilized chlorine dioxide is used for the cleaning and disinfection of inanimate surfaces.
Effective against floors, mould on walls and ceilings, and other high-touch common surfaces.
GOclean™ SD

High-pressure aerosol spray for heavy carbon remover.
Used along with GOclean™ GRD, it maintains the equipment's lustre and shine.
GOclean™ CRD

Concentrate multipurpose grease remover and disinfectant.
Used along with GOclean™ CRD, it accelerates the cleaning, even with tough stains.
GOclean™ GRD

Alcohol-based concentrate for floor cleaning and disinfection.
Does not leave any stains or traces of chemical residue on the surface.
GOclean™ FC

Alcohol-based concentrate for floor cleaning and disinfection.
Does not leave any stains or traces of chemical residue on the surface.
GOclean™ SANI

Chlorine dioxide-based gaseous disinfection for mops and wipes to reduce cross-contamination between mopping and wiping cycles.
Is extensively tested by the IS:1622:1981 (R.2009) method and validated in NABL-accredited laboratories
GOclean™ MW

Quaternary ammonium-based disinfection solution for easy and convenient footwear hygiene.
Three stage process, i.e. dirt removal - sanitization - drying
The presence of specialized surfactant combinations in the formulation enables effective penetration and disinfection even in the presence of hydrophobic contaminants.
The volatile solvent in the formulation speeds up footwear drying, preventing indoor footprints.
GOclean™ FWS

GOclean™ ACFT
Advanced chlorine dioxide gas-based fumigation technology.
The product is effective against microorganisms, such as:
Escherichia coli
Staphylococcus aureus
Staphylococcus epidermidis
Salmonella typhi
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Candida albicans
Geobacillus stearothermophilus
Effective in the oxidative removal of odour-causing compounds especially in washrooms.